On this special occasion of World Entrepreneur Day, I felt it's the perfect time to reintroduce myself. I’m Alice, founder and maker at Sāmaya Soul. I launched this business with two core intentions, both of which are equally close to my heart.
The first intention, and one you may already know, is I wanted to share the captivating scents of Sri Lanka. I’ve spent a lot of time on this incredible island over the years and my aim is to share it’s magic through the art of scent.
Secondly, my vision to serve as a gentle reminder of the importance for women to practise self-care. I know, I know, we hear this all the time. But hear me out.
In a world brimming with noise and distraction, it can be so challenging to tune into our true selves and find genuine moments of peace. Every one of us is worthy of self care, whether that’s 60 minutes or 5. Sacred time to ease into a space that’s less human doing and more human being, to recharge & restore.
Self care is an investment, allowing us to fully show up for ourselves and the people we love. It’s like having healthy boundaries. They cultivate our most authentic, healthiest and happiest self, even when they feel icky and uncomfortable at the time.

We can’t be everything to everyone all of the time. But women feel this constant pressure to try to be. And it’s in this 24/7 trying that Burns. Us. Out (pun intended!). One thing I’ve learnt is that the time we put into being fully present with ourselves is one of the most valuable, meaningful things we can do for ourselves because it comes back tenfold. And the only person that can give that to you, is you.
My intention with Sāmaya Soul is to hold space, to cultivate a tribe of women who empower themselves through intentional self-care, granting themselves permission to rise into their highest selves.
Every one of us has a spark, a life energy that’s unique to us. And it’s our superpower. It’s what transforms us from feeling like there’s something more out there, to feeling fully alive. Sāmaya Soul is about connecting and aligning with that spark. Stepping into your truest self and being kind to your mind, body and soul.
Sāmaya Soul is about not dimming your light, your unique flame, for anyone or anything, something I’ve deeply struggled with in my own life. What lights us up is our greatest gift. Hold. It. Close.
In Sinhala, Sāmaya means peace. For me, it’s the kind of peace that’s always available within you. Not the surface level, temporary peace we’re conditioned to accept in life. It’s a grounded, rooted, wild kind of peace. A knowing of self, an underlying gratitude for life itself. And I think connecting with that, even for a couple of moments in a day, is everything.